Body Massageボディマッサージ




ランゲルラインとは、医学用語で皮膚割線のことです。人は受精卵から細胞分裂を繰り返して体を作りますが、この細胞分裂の過程によって生じた細胞膜の跡をランゲルラインと呼びます。外科手術の際にランゲルラインに 沿ってメスを入れると繊維を切断しないため、傷口がきれいで手術跡が目立たないといわれています。
エフェクティブ オーガニックでは、このランゲルラインに着目し、マッサージ効果の高いオリジナルトリートメント「ランゲルラインズ®トリートメント」を開発。SPAトリートメントオイルを使用してこのトリート メントを行うことで、より深く効果的でオリジナリティの高いアンチエイジングを追求します。



ランゲルラインズ® トリートメントで大切なのは皮膚割線の「走行」です。

  • SL(尻、ふともも、ウエスト)
  • DX(ふともも、二の腕)
  • ST(首筋、肩、デコルテ)



女性の不調のほとんどは『冷え』が起因しているといわれています。現代女性は慢性的な『冷え』に悩まされている状態です。冷えとは、裏を返せば血液やリンパ液の循環障害のようなもので、体循環の低下 により体は毒素や老廃物を排出できにくくなり、さまざまな心身の不調を招く原因となります。
キャンドル型『SPAトリートメントオイル』は融点をコントロールし、お風呂の温度に設定された38℃~45℃の温かいオイルです。半身浴をしているような温かいオイルでマッサージをすることで、 血液やリンパ液の循環をスムーズにさせ、お悩みに合わせた独自の精油にブレンドによって、心身の不調を予防・改善します。ランゲルラインに沿ってマッサージをおこなうことでさらに効果を発揮します。





The next generation in
SPA care begins here.

The Organic Spa candle method forms one aspect of the Effective Organic total anti aging methodology. It is based on the concept of heating the body to dispel trapped cold. Which encourages and regulates detoxification. Allowing the body to effectively and efficiently dispel toxins so they do not accumulate. Heating the body from the inside is thought to promote the detoxification process.
Once the candle is lit, the ’wax’ melts to form a rich oil. Luxurious and pleasurable, when the warm blend is applied cold and the heat allows the oils to be absorbed deep into the skin for more effective results.
The Effective Organic SPA candles are made without the use of paraffin wax or any other harmful ingredients. We use 100% natural Shea butter and organically certified essential oils.

What are langer lines?

The human body is formed through a continuous process of cell division of a fertilised egg.The remains, or imprints of Cell membrane left behind during the cell division process are referred to as langer lines.
Effective Organic has created an original body massage treatment which focuses specifically on massage of the body according to the direction of the langer lines, a process which we have found to have highly effective anti aging benefits.
The warming Organic SPA candle`s blend of essential oils further enhances the anti aging effects of the treatment. For use in Salon treatments or at home!


Many women suffer from
a ‘Cold Constitution’.

Many health related problems are thought to occur as a result of having a cold constitution. Symptoms manifest as poor blood circulation and a malfunctioning lymph drainage system, which further increase trapped cold. This vicious cycle is difficult to break.
The stresses and demands of a modern lifestyle cause imbalances in the body, with women being particularly susceptible as the delicate balance of hormones are disturbed.
A change in diet, dress style and pursuit of a career which often means delaying childbirth until later in life are al contributing factors and aggravate a cold constitution.

Constant menstruation means that the ovaries are overworked and exhausted, causing malfunctions and irregularities in the body. During pregnancy the ovaries are allowed to rest and recuperate and this helps to balance the body functions.
As women choose to have children later in life, the symptoms of constant pressure on the ovaries manifest as a variety of ailments and poor overall health. The Organic SPA Candle treatment drains the body of toxins and heats the body internally, resulting in improved blood circulation and lymph drainage and is highly effective in combating the problems associated with a cold constitution.